AVA360VR (Annotate, Visualise, Analyse 360 Video in VR)

logo Help pages and tutorials

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How to access help in VR

These GitHub help pages provide the basics to get started. Once you have installed AVA360VR and the Demo Package, then you can access help video and VolCap tutorials directly in AVA360VR without leaving VR.

The immersive help tutorials are accessible in VR from the Demo Package after it is loaded. If you wish to go straight to the HELP project tutorials, then after running AVA360VR and selecting the LOAD screen, you can load the analysis version called HELP-001 after switching to the HELP project in the DEMO PACKAGE. Or else, just go to the analysis mapping tool accessible from the left controller.

2D help videos are also available on the AVA360VR release page on GitHub. Many of these videos are recordings of the viewport in VR while RePlaying the VolCap tutorial. As such, they are inferior representations of the immersive experience. They are provided for those who wish to scrub through the video quickly or who do not have access to VR.

If you have an idea, please submit a suggestion how to improve the help pages and video tutorials.

Complete list of tutorials contained in the Demo Package

There is a healthy selection of video and VolCap tutorials accessible from the Demo Package. Here is a list:

Guides and Demonstrations


Project management

Multimedia assets

