
Supports qualitative research with video & transcripts

Help Guide for Users

What is the scope of the different tools and capabilities in DOTEbase?

Because each tool works with specific data and meta-data, it is very important that users appreciate exactly what each tool is working with. The alphabetical list below consists of all the major tools and capabilities found in DOTEbase.


The Canvas operates at the level of one selected DOTEspace. Each DOTEspace has one and only one Canvas assigned to it.

Clip Presets

Saved Clip Presets are only available in the DOTEspace in which they were saved. They cannot be transferred to other DOTEspaces.

Clips Viewer

The Clips Viewer can show Transcript and Media Clips in the current DOTE Project that is open in DOTEbase, and it can broaden the scope to list all clips in selected Projects and Transcripts in or more DOTEspaces.

Collections Browser

The Collections Browser shows all Clip Collections across all DOTEspaces. Cilp Collections can comprise clips from any DOTEspace.

Collection Viewer

The Collection Viewer only shows clips in the currently selected Clip Collection. Those Clips could originate from any DOTEspace.

Colour Swatch Manager

The Colour Swatch Manager allows User-defined Presets that are attached to a DOTEspace but can be copied across All DOTEspaces. Otherwise, Colours are applied locally to a Clip or Tier.


A DOTEspace consists of all DOTE Projects/Transcripts found in all of its watch folders. There is no master DOTEspace that collects all other DOTEspaces under its wing.

DOTEspace Crawler

The DOTEspace Crawler works behind the scenes scanning all watch folders across all DOTEspaces to find and update the cache with all DOTE Projects and Transcripts. It is not limited to one DOTEspace or watch folder.


Export and Import of only one selected DOTEspace at a time is allowed. Clip Collections can be included in the export, but only Clips in the exported DOTEspace will be included in those exported Clip Collections.

Media Clips Organiser

The Media Clips Organiser shows all media clips in the current DOTE Project that is open in DOTEbase. Thus, the Tiers are local to that Project and are not shared with other Projects.

Media Player

The Media Player only shows one media source at a time. Depending on the selected view mode, it displays the relevant media source in the current DOTE Project that is open in DOTEbase.

The scope of a Search can be selected by the user.


Tags are DOTEspace specific. Autocompletion of tag names is available across a single DOTEspace.

Tag Manager

The Tag Manager can display and edit Tags with different scopes, eg. Local, DOTEspace, selected DOTEspace(s) and All DOTEspaces.


The Timeline only shows a waveform for the currently open Project according to the options selected for tracking audio and waveform sources. The user can choose to display the waveform for an audio or video source that is not currently displayed in the Media Player.


A Transcript panel only shows one DOTE Transcript at a time The transcript it displays is the last one viewed in a DOTE Project listed in a DOTEspace while it was ACTIVE.