
Supports qualitative research with video & transcripts

Help Guide for Users

Help guide for DOTEbase v1.0.1

This help guide provides you with instructions to get started with basic and more advanced tasks...

How to download and install DOTEbase

DOTEbase can be installed on the Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS desktop platforms.

Import the Lego demo DOTEspace

We have assembled a simple DOTEspace based on our legendary Lego Demo Project, which we originally made for DOTE. See the original DOTE version here: https://bigsoftvideo.github.io/DOTE/demo.html

You can download the full Lego Demo DOTEspace, including the necessary native DOTE projects/transcripts, follow the instructions.

Help pages on using DOTEbase

Here is a list of help tutorials on specific topics:

Browse our DOTEbase video tutorials

We have made a bunch of video tutorials you can view to learn how to use DOTEbase.

User bug reports

How to enter a bug report issue if you find anything that doesn't seem to work.

In many cases it helps us if you attach the DOTEbase logfile to the bug report. The folder on your computer in which the logfiles are stored can be accessed by the link under the Help menu.

User feature requests

How to enter an idea you have for a feature or enhancement to DOTE.

Tracking bugs and features as a user

You will be able to track bugs and features in our project board.

Suggestions for help pages and tutorials

Please submit a suggestion for how we can improve the help pages and guide, as well as ideas for video tutorials.

Using our DISCORD server

If you haven't already, please join our BigVideo Discord server: Discord server. There are public channels for DOTEbase and private ones for purchasers of the Pro or Pro Community Edition licenses from our webshop.